Wednesday 30 March 2011


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Thia ia my Evaluation that I made, through using powerPoint, it's slightly defrent to how it's ment to look, but almost everything this is there.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Final of Film

This is the finished version of my docutentary 'My Life As A Dalmatian'. I have uploaded my film on to youtube. as well as my film below, theirs also a prezi presantasion of how and what settings I choses my documentary to be. 

LINK to YouTube: My Life As A Dalmatian

Documentary 'My Life As A Dalmatian' on YouTube

This is the Prezi Presantaion of the steps I took. 

Monday 21 March 2011

SnapsPro and ScreenFlow

It's coming to the time where we have to start making our evaluations. I feel that I have got much to say when writting in my Evaluation, so what I have done it download a software program on trial from the internet on called SnapsPro and the other ScreenFlow. 

I downloaded SnapsPro first to see what it was like and how the sound sounded of me talking to throught how to do things of 'Final Cut Pro' but when I played it back to me I found out that myself taking had not been recored. So I deleted SnapsPro and tryed out how ScreenFlow was.

I much preffer ScreenFlow to SnapsPro, with ScreenFlow it's very simmiler to SnapsPro but there's sound thats a much better quiality then I thought.

Below I have taken a few screen shots of myself downloading SnapsPro and ScreenFlow, I have uploded the screen shots via Photobucket:


I am going to use screen flow to document myself making my poster, magazine artical reviwe, editing in final cut pro and making my final overall eveluation.

Questionnairs from Research

I've been really bad a handing out my questionsairs, finding out how many people watch Documenartys and if they have every been tramatized the way I was.

This weekend we had a few friends around and I handed them both my questionair to fill out below:

Sunday 20 March 2011

New Music with ending

The artist to this music is: 'Wentilators' and the music I have choosen by them is 'Pastic_Man', I have only used the begging of the song seeing as there was no words, and I feel with the pictures I have choosen no word would be able to match them as 'Dog Days' did by Florence and the Machine.

But the begging of 'Plastic_Man' is the sort of upbeat music/tune that I was looking for.
Hears the youtube vidio that shows you the ending of my documentary

Hears a screenshot of the setting I have set my YouTube uploade to:

New Music

I have tryed everything to get permission for 'Dog Days' by Florence and the Machine, but there's been now luck, so instead I went on to google and type in... (Prezi Presintsion below:)

Friday 18 March 2011

Evaluasion Plan

I've made thsi Prezi mind map, that contains my designs for my evelutaion. I have only shown the designs, I have written anything undernithe them. The designs are in order as they are shown. There are four questions that are:

  1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and convention of real media products?
  2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
  3. What have you learned from your audience feed back?
  4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 
For each question I have design 6-8 boxes of what I feel that question is asking. I am going to design my eveluation using Microsoft PowerPoint. 
Below is my mind map.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Poster Stages

Below I have made a powerpoint presentasion of all the poster stages I have been through, to get to my Poster now. I used indesign to design my poster and a bit of photoshope to add contrast to my image. 

Poster Design Stages

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Magazines Stages

Below is a powerpoint slide that I made of all the stages I went through to creat my magazine artical review. I made my magazine artical review through the software program InDesgin, I really enjoyed it and I am very pleased with my over all result of my magazine artical.Magz rivew 1
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Monday 7 March 2011

Ruff Final, But needs touch up

Hear is a quicktimer movie that I have made of my final documentary with titles at begging. But it's defantly need a really big touch up, beucse it's very mess at the momment. I need to add the names of the family and friends I have intervied along with more footage of the dog scene.

On the right is a screen shot I took of this video about being upload on to YouTube, it was really quick and really easy. I have put like all my videos on YouTube as unlisted, i would of done it privet but you wouldn't be able to view it. So I've pit it as unlisted so that your able to view it.

Editing My Interview

Sunday 6 March 2011

Using InDesign

Thursday 3 March 2011

How Make Titles on Final Cut Pro

I started using livetype to make my titles for my documentarty,but there wheren't turning out the way that I wanted them to. Wanted my titles to be very simple and plain, but I found it very hard to make them in livetype in that way. Below is a small vidioe of all the titles I made in livetype. 

I knew that you could make titles/text in final cut pro, but I didn't know how so I used this vidio to find out how I made just very simple and plain text. It was very helpful and now I know how to creat text in final cut pro.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Trying to asked Permisson for Music

Even thought I got permisson for florace's cosin. I know I have to get actural permisson from either Universal Island Records where Florance and the Machine recored 'Dog Days' or from there Manager 'Mairead Nash'. I've e-mailed Island Records lots of time but haven't hear back from them, and I can't seem to find how to contact Mairead Nash, but I am going to keep trying. 

Below are screen shots of the e-mails I sent to Island Records:

First E-mail I sent:
       Second E-mail I sent yesterday:

Finding Dalmatian Fonts

I try to downlode a picture image of a dalmatian furr in to my font on indesign, but I couldn't work out how, so instead I search 'Google' for Dalmatian fonts to downlode. I found a huge amaout. I only downlode three diffrent ones. I've screen shot each of them in Macrosoft Word as they would be as the title on the Magazine Artical:

 This Dalmatian font on the left is my favorite is called as a font 'Dalmatian'. I think this might be the one I uses.

This font to the right is know as 'Dalmatian By Zane' I like this one so mabey I might use it in the poster.

I'm not keen on this font that much, but I have added it in as an oppsion is called '101 Puppies SW'.

Monday 14 February 2011

Magazine Photos

I really like this photo to the right and I am thinking of using it for my Magazine Article. The is girl playing with her beloved Dalmatians. I will uses this a my main photo (large one). I used photoshop elements eight to turn it into black and white and crop it. I feel it's more eye catching to the public. And it brings out the Dalmatians more. I have shown you the coloured one below, that's uncorped.

Below is another image that I really like and I think I am going to use, but between the columns. I used photoshop elements eight to add contrast, because it was too dule. 

Magazine Drafts

I have used Microsoft word to create my drafts for my Magazine Articles. The first screen shot you see on the left is my first draft. I made it into bullet points, so that I jotted down my ideas. So it's very mixed. I then had help putting it in to a readable order

Below is my second draft. I have split into to parts. The first part is my interview with the interviewer. And the second is the Article it self. I found it much essay to type, if I pretended I had some one interviewing me. I know that there are a few spelling maskats, but I will re-croett them befor e I tune into an article.

Now that I have my article in order I am going to add it in to 'Adobe InDesign' to tune it into an Article with images. Also to cheek to see if I have written effuf.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Editing Dog Footage in Final Cut Pro

This is how I edited the dog scene using final cut pro and the prezi to up load. 

Editing the Car Crash Sound

To find the sound effect for the very begining of my documentary. I seach in Garageband loops and Final Cut Pro sound effects and could find nothing on a car crash sound or even near to it. I then remebered 'Soundtrack Pro' and search 'Car crash' nothing came up so I went through all the oppsions that I was given until I came to 'Imapact and Crashes' where I found 'Automobile crash' which was perfect, so I edited it and saved. I then uploaded it to final cut pro and added it to one of my scenes. 

Below I've have used QuickTime Moive to conver the unedited version of 'Automabile' sound from soundtrack pro, I then used Blogger uploads to up lode it. 

Below are some screen shots I took that aren't in order. 

Editing Interviews

I have upload 18 screen shot of how I have come to editing the interviews. It was hard because I don't really know what to expect when it I have done my interview (which was this weekend 11th-13th of Febuary 2011), but I have an idea on how I am going make a footage out of it all.

Monday 31 January 2011

My Magazines Artical Designs

Magazine Artical review I have desgin two of my own that I am thinking of chosing one of them form my actual Magazine aretical. I've made a powerpoint using slideshare to upload. I've added small details to what each of the two posters may contain also I have added in two other slids showing the poster in full without the details. Some of the poster dosen't show becuse when I was scaing the scanner didn't collects past of the design. I'm hopeing to use indesign to creat my artical.
Mag designs

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Wednesday 26 January 2011


Tonight I fainlaly finished rendering the footage I collected for 'Dog Scene' and 'Interviews' on Final Cut Pro. Which is a hugh releaf, because it means I can start editing this weekend. I still have one more interview to do, which is myself that I am going to do on the weekend of the 12th of Feburary. For the 'Interviews' there was a problme so I had to uses 'Quicktime converter' to tranfer them to 'Final Cut Pro'

Across are the stages in which the Dog Scence has been rendered it was the same tecknick for the 'Interviews' I put all of the 'Dog Scenes' and the 'Interviews' together to save time. On the right you can see that stages I screen shot.

Below is a few screen shots uploaded with 'Prezi' this show how before I was able to uplode the dog's scens I had to conver the footage I had filmed using MPEG Stremclip. Here are a few screen shots of the stages I had to go through. Also a screen shot of the order of how I am showing you the stages of edting through Prezi.

Magazine Articals

As well as making a poster and short film we also have to make a Magazine artical. I have been doing my reseacher in the most recent relase (January/Feburary 2011) 'Empire' magazine and 'Sight & Sound' magazine.

 These are this year's from covers for each magazine. Just from the look of the front covers 'Sight & Sound' apeals more to older adults this is why:

  1. The women who's posing has a very serices look on her face, she's wareing very plan colours of clothing, she's too the side of the heading.
  2. The background it very plan, but it dose make the 'Sight & Sound' title stand out with it's yellow background and black and red writting. 
  3. 'Sight and Sound' have made there main articals stand out more by haveing this plan background.
'Empire' on the other hand apeals to younger adults and teenages:
  1. Very colourful front cover
  2. The backgroung is diffrent shapes of green
  3. Johnny Depp is on the front cover as his start role in 'Parates Of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides' as Captine Jack Sparrow in all his make up and coustume. 
  4. He's also Starting strate at you with his eval Captine Jack Sparrow stare
  5. 'Empire' have made him stand out by makeing him go over the title 'Empire' 
  6. They have a varity of colourful main articals and writting, but they all stand out.
Inside 'Sight and Sound' has lost of indepht writting were as 'Empire' has limited writting but clear.

I really like 'Empire' artical styles, becuse I like how you have a big picture and very clear writting. To me it's a denifit if I do a artical were not much writting is needed, yet with a very good review of what the Documetary is about. I also like how 'Empire' is very clear and simple.

'Sight & Sight' has lost of information about the film and directing ect.. It even has a colume for every one who helped make the film. This I think is a very good idea becuse it not only promnts the amout of work that went in to makeing the film, but also the preson them self. 

Saturday 22 January 2011

Dog Scene Filmed

Today I filmed my dog scene. Phoebe was a superbe Actriss dog. I felt the filming went ok, but the lighting was compliting wrong. But I hope I filmed will good for my Documentary. If I have to re-film then it must be next week, becuase the deadline is on the 18th Feburary so haven't got much time. I have a really good time re-acting my dog life, but I deffantly think I  may have to re-shot some of the scenes. Below are a few photos I took of the day. Some of them I will uses from my Poster and Magazine Artical. I used Photobucket to upload them. The outfit that Phoebe is wearing in some of the photos was the closes outfit I could match to a dalmasion. I brought my big spoty blanket that a godmother of mine gave me for my 6th birthday and I used that for some of the filming scenes too.