Wednesday 26 January 2011


Tonight I fainlaly finished rendering the footage I collected for 'Dog Scene' and 'Interviews' on Final Cut Pro. Which is a hugh releaf, because it means I can start editing this weekend. I still have one more interview to do, which is myself that I am going to do on the weekend of the 12th of Feburary. For the 'Interviews' there was a problme so I had to uses 'Quicktime converter' to tranfer them to 'Final Cut Pro'

Across are the stages in which the Dog Scence has been rendered it was the same tecknick for the 'Interviews' I put all of the 'Dog Scenes' and the 'Interviews' together to save time. On the right you can see that stages I screen shot.

Below is a few screen shots uploaded with 'Prezi' this show how before I was able to uplode the dog's scens I had to conver the footage I had filmed using MPEG Stremclip. Here are a few screen shots of the stages I had to go through. Also a screen shot of the order of how I am showing you the stages of edting through Prezi.

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