Saturday, 11 December 2010


A great family friend of ours is coming today, and I am going to interview her. She play a big part in that part of my life at that time. She was the one that gave me the dalmatian suit below:

  You see the photo with the cake, and there's a lady behind that her. Both these photos were taken in Wales on my 6th birhtday. 

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Flat Plan StoryBoard- for dog scene

Flat Plan

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This is a flat plan storyboard that I have made for my dog scene. I have also written the all shots for each camera. I still need to plan when I am going to film this scene, but I am hopeing to filming over Christmas or just after in the New Year. 

Monday, 29 November 2010

Help Out

Friday 26th November
I helped out with my former partner 'Bianca Goldman' and her new partner 'Elyisa Polin'. They have change there film now to 'The Window'.
We reached the nursing home at 10:30 am, and started setting up. I did behind the scenes footage and took a few pictures as well as being the light girl.

It was a long day and we started filming at 12 noon and ended at 5 pm. Everyone eat lunch as we went along. The actors where fanstastice and very pasiant.

Aswell as the photo's and behide the scens footage, I was in charge of the light. It was this big very hot and bright light. And it was perfect for the hospital scene. Below is Slideshow of photos from the day.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

My Three Posters Design

Poster designs

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I really like these poster I have done. I showed these poster to my Mum and she really like the poster with the eye. Which I really prefer becuase I saw the poster of 'Requiem For A Dream' by Darren Aronofsky that really made think about what poster I would like. I wanted something to stand out to the audicne, just like 'Requiem For A Dream' stood out to me. When it comes to creating the poster I am either going to uses indesign or design a A3 poster my self useing nothing other than pencils and felt tips.

My shooting Schedule

I originally scheduled to shoot over christmas but had to revise my schedule to shoot in november (see left). I hadn't originally planned to shoot in Wales but the opportunity arose to film in the area where i had grown up so i had to take advantage. I did get some very good footage.

Scheduling for a documentary is quite different to scheduling for a film. Although both need to be planned. My documentary was going to involve interviews and some dramatic 'recreations" so I hade to schedule when the interviews would take place as well as cutaways, location shots etc.

On the right is my schedule for December, as you can see it looks a bit more organized then the November one. 

I can't wait until Christmas holidays, to film the rest of my documentary. 

Only thing I haven't planned is when I am going to film the dog scene of my footage. I had scheduled it for  'Sunday 28th November' but unfortunately the young actress who I was going to use was not be available because her mum had to rush of to America.  I will have to reschedule that scene for later.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

How to make a documentary

I added this documentary that about how you should film interviews. I found it very help full because when I filmed up in Wales and inteview my Nain I didn't really know what I was doing. From watching this footage, i've realzied the mastakes I made in wales. So when I start doing my interviews over chirstmas I will be prepared. I wished I found this footage before I went up. 
Below is a screen shoot of the comments that were left under this footage:

North Wales Footage Done

It's taken ages from me to edit my North Wales footage. I finaly have finished, but mabey some of the footage in this I may not use. Also I going to make another one with a Voice Over to test the quality of it. Only bit that I haven't edited from North Wales footage is the interview with my Nain (Grandma in Welsh)

Editing Fist footage

I have fainly finished edting my footage from North Wales. The only thing I haven't edited is the interview I did with my Nain. I am waiting until I have finished all my intervewing, and then I will be able to fit them in. I am going to interview myself too along with family members and friends. 

Here are some images of how I came to editing the footage in 'Final Cut Pro',  I used Prezi to make it. It's  a bit confusig because I have added the image befor the writing, but hopefully you'll be able to follow it. 

Friday, 26 November 2010


The cousin has replayed back and says it's ok for me to use 'Doggy Days'. 

Above is the replay for the cousin.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Poster Designs

Posters I Admire

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I done this power point slide with diffrent types of posters, so I can see the style I like. I might even do a mixture of the posters to make them in to one. 

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Sorry Change Name Again

I've change the name of my documentary again. Form 'My Life as a Dog' to 'My Life ad a Dalmatian' this is because that I was tecnacly a dalmatian for those years. I promise that it's going to stick this time.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Film-'My Life as a Dog' 1958

'My Life As a Dog' was directed by Lasse Hallstorm who's also directed 'Dear John' 2010 and 'Chocolat' 2000.

Genres: Darma, Comady
Language: Swedn
Box Office: $8,345,266 (USA)

I have never seen this film before but I am now very intriget to see it. I am hope to watch it over this weekend. 

The poster of the film, is really eye catching, becuase you have 'My life as a Dog' in white mediam size letters and then the two young boys hugging. The back really make thought pacific this stand out beucase of it's dark colours. 

Just from looking at this poster I am see that this film has one two ocars, and a golben globe award. This is really appealing to audice to who this film attracts. But also it's really good to advertise there awards so people who not shore they like this film will go and see it because of it awards and they want to juge them self's. 

If I was walking past this poster, it would really appleal to me because I would really like to know why this film got so many awards. 

Lasse Hallstorm has put a saying 'A Soul Sothding Masterpice'. I am hopeing to have a saying by the time it come to finishing the posters.   

Maybe ending to 'My life as a dog'

This is what I might use as the ending for my film 'My life as a dog'. I used a fade in at the beginning and cross dissolve for the rest and then fade out at the end. There is a picture of me at the end because it is to show me as I am now. Also I have repeated four pictures at the chorus 'Dog days are over'. A few of them are out of beat but I am going to sort it out if I actually use it for the ending of my documentary. 
I showed it to my mum and older brother yesterday and they really liked it, but my older brother mentioned the fact the pictures were not corresponding with the beat of the song.

At the moment I am still waiting for a reply for the florance's cousin. So, at the moment I haven't actually got copyright on 'Dog Days' which I know is wrong but I am working on it. I trimmed the song by using 'Quicktimer trim' and making a copy of the song. The very beggining of this when it comes up with Maybe ending of 'My Life As a dog' will not be in the film. I know it looks tacky and very pixalited. 

Editing of Mabey Ending to Documentrary

Sunday, 21 November 2010


I hopeing to have my sister Angharad singing some songs that she's made up also I am hoping to have Flonrance and the Machine song 'Doggy Days' it' the perfect song for 'My life as a doy'. 

I've e-mail a cosion of Florance and the Machine who my sister know very well. The name has been cut off for protaction purposes. I've asked the cosuin to get back to me and let me know. 
Below you can see the e-mail:

First of the Questionnaire

I was home this weekend, and so was my older brother and mum. I asked them to filling in the questionnare. I am still hope to collect answers from non-family members and friends.
 Below is my brothers one:

Equitment to be used

This is all of the Equitmant I am going to use, throught all of my filming.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


This is a questionnaire that I am going to hand out to family members and friends. This questionnoire with give me a good idea of who my audience will be. I think it was a mastake putting 5 Under in the age range beucase they wouldn't really know what I was talking about.


4docs is part of channle 4. It have a varitaty of informaion about documentaries and short films. You can uplode your own on to 4docs. There's even compations that you can enter.
 Below is a short powerpoint that I have done on 4docs:


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Hear is a like to the 4Docs website:

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Change of Plan

I've diced to concentrat more on my own film, insted of two films. 
I know I have dicided to make this move at a critical time in are coursework (pre-producion), but I feel it's a right move for me todo. But I told Bianca that i'll will help her when it comes to filming her's. 

Also I am going to change the Name of my film from 'Trapped No More' to 'My Life As A Dog' I may change it again, but for now it's going to be 'My Life as a Dog'.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Audicence Re-Search For Documentary

Who do I think will watch my Documentary??
Below is sorted out by age in years,

5 Under- Under 5 years probably wouldn't even know what a Documentary.

5-12- I'm still not shore that this age range would watch my Documentary, I think there more likely to watch 'Planit Earth' and 'Blue Planit' by Sir David Attenborugh. 

12-18- Probably 16 to 18 might just watch Documentaies similer to mine, but that age range is very into 'Friends' on E4.

18-25- I think this catogray age group would be more likly to watch my particular Documentary, espachaly if there Medical Studies learning about people who are in comas or been traitized the way I have been. 

25-30 and Over- Againg this would be a very good age group for my Documentary and others, espasaly if you have very well traiend phycitrasies and Doctors who have never seen this type of trama before. 

I think my Documentary is most likeling going to acracted medical studients, Doctours, Nurses and other medial staff because it's appeals to there sort of thing by my way of acting like a dog was caused by a tragic car crash. 

To re-search audicence propably I'm going to make a question air and hand it round, I might to go a hospital and get there oppinion and a few answers from a medical team in that area of trama it's self. 

Story Borad (Mostly Scene four)

This my story board mostly for scene four in my Documentary. Some of the shots are going to be handheld and there others filmed on a tripod. I hopeing to add more scene as  I go along. 

Below is an animatic that I made using Image Ready


Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Final Script

This is my fiainal scriped. So far I'm pleased with it but I know I will probably change a few things such as the Vicoe depending on what footage I show. Also going up to North Wales, were I did a bit of filming that I am hopeing to add in when it come to editing. 

ViceOver For Documentary

Voice over

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This is so far is my final Voice Over, but debending of the footage I have put in the Voice Over will change.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Monday, 8 November 2010

5-8th Novermber: I was in North Wales, which wasn't part of my plan. Wales is were it all first stared with me acting like a dog. So I gest it was lucky that we had to go up that weekend. I filmed my dads grave two days in a row because I didn't like the footage from the first day. I also did a bit of out of focuce of a few rooms of where we used to live. Along with interviewing my Nain (Grandma in Welsh)

Below are the interview questions that I ask to my Nain and it's what I am going to ask my other family members when there time come for me to interview them:
The interview went well, but I know the framing was wrong and my Nain didn't want the camera to close to her so what I should of done was zoom in to her, which probably I was ment to do in the first place. It was my frist interview ever so I was very please with what I came out with. And we may be going back up there befor christmas so I could re-do it. My Nain was slightly tense at the begging of the interview but then relaxed into it. I am going to add some more questions at the begging, so hopefully by the time I come to these main 9 questions they will be more relaxed.

Full UnCut interview with Nain

I put the hole interview footage on hear. I know I needed to agutst the camera framing and light. But it was my first interview and I was very pleased with the turn out. Aswell as my Nain being nurvise at the start so was I becuase I didn't want to mess up, which I did towards the end because I couldn't read my writing. I shook hands with her at the end. I think I need to add a few more simpler question at the begging so buy the time it comes to the main questisons they hopefully will be more relaxed. Also I need to add in a few more away shots, such a camera at hands or picture of the person. 
Below is a screen shot of me uploading it on to YouTube:

Behinde scene of interview with Nain

Hear behinde the scenes at my very first inteview with my Nain (Grandma in Welsh) alnog with my first time using Final Cut Pro. There's lots of cuts in the sneek preview, but when it come to putting the Behinde the scens previews on to the DVD extras, I will make shore there as close to perfice as I can get. It was lucky aswell that I used the HD camera to test it out for the next time I use it and I shoot it all in DV tapes. I am hoping to get as many behinde the scenes footage I can including photos of the location I use and the people. 

Editing First Half

I did my first part of edting this weekend with the actual footage of what I filmed in Wales. It took a long time for the footage for the camera to load up on to computer because there was some fault in the camera. On thursday I mange to collect the footage for the camera to my hard drive. Below is some screen shoots I took of me edting the footage in 'Final Cut Pro'.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Car Crash 1998

I remember the car accident so well, also as if it was yesterday. Daddy was in the front with the driver, my mum and two sisters were in the middle and My older and younger brothers were in the back with me. It was very late when we reached the outside of the house were were going to be staying in for the New Year. It ws a long journy so I feel asleep I woke up just as this white flash of a van was heading straight to us at about 100 miles per hour. Then black. 

I woke up what I think about 45 minutes later, because everyone eles was gone. I looked up and saw a man who said 'another one hear' he then lifed me very gently out of the back and took me outside to lay of the ground. I was laying next two one of the member of the family (can't remember which). I look up and saw a group of women looking back down on me, I gested it was because I had a bleeding nose, but I was also thinking who are these's people?? What's happened? I then looked over to were my dad was, there was a crowed of men pulling him trying to get him out, he had blood all over his face and he was laying upside down his eyes shut. 

I don't remeber how we end up in the ambluance but I do rember laying next to my older brother who rolled on to my left leg that later on we found out I had broken it. I didn't screm but I did grown.

I don't remeber the hospatl bit at all. 

Every time I saw blood or a fake skellation I would get a flash back to the accident and burst in to tears. Now I don't have it so much actually not at all. 

Shot List For 'Documentary' 'Pre-Production'

This is my shot list for scene 3 in my documentary. I am hopping to film this particulary scene in hand-held camare and very Dogme style.

Mood Board For 'Redemption' Pre-Productsion

Mood board

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Bianca and I came up with the idea of doing a Moonboard each to show eachother what we feel the location of scene should look like. Were then going to do show eachother and then put the ideas together. 

Below is Bianca Goldmens One:

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Second Drafed of Documentary Scriped

Second Drafed
 Trapped no more.pdf

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Tuesday, 26 October 2010

First Scripted Drafed For 'Redemption' Pre-Production

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We used Celtx to write the scripted. We tryed wirting the script as acruate as we could to a really Film scripted. 

First Scriped Drafed For Documentary 
'Trapped No More' 'Pre-Production'

Trapped no more.pdf

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Thursday, 21 October 2010

Scene to Scene List for Documanrary

I've done this scen list as an idea of what I am thinking of doing with my Documantray.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Mind Map For Documetary

Above are some Ideas I have for my Documenrary. Most of the Ideas I have I am hoping to use but others may be a bit tricky. This pre-productsion mind map will help me with my Scen list along with making the script. 

Below are some tiltes that I am thinking of calling my Documetary:
Trapped No More
One Step Back
Life As I New
The Memory or The Memo
Blured From the Start
Looking Back
Onwards and Upwards
Life I have forgotten
Closher has closed
Last Time
New Chapter
My Story to Tell
Have a Sence
The Untold Trauma
Therapisted Said
The way I grived

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Redemption Mind Map

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

The Window, Possiable Story Idea

The Window Scene List
View more documents from biancagoldman93.

This is a scene by scene list of 'The Window' which is one of are ideas for are five minute short film that we are thinking of filming. It's emosinal and heart breaking.

Two guy's who are flat on there backs in Hospital
One of the guy's that's near to the window are allowed each day for an hour to be host up on his back to clear air from his lungs.
The other guy is flat on his back 24/7.
The guy that's allowed one his back 

Two Guy's who are flat onthere backs in Hospital and they talk for ages on end. One of the guy's is near to a window and a nure comes in every day to allowed him to sit up. He is only allowed an hour a day to sit up to clear his lungs. He then speaks to the other guy who stays flat on his back 24/7 about what he see's out the window. This routie continues for a few weeks. And they guy's be come good frineds and talk a lot about there army days and familys. However the other guy  who's not allowed this privalage to look out for him self starts to get jeluse of the other one. So one night the guy near to the window stops breathing and trays to reach for his buzzer to call for help, the other guy can reach his buzzer but make the desionsion not to call for help himself. The guy near to the window died's. Once his body is clear from the room, the other guy asked the nurse if he could move to the guy's bed. So he was allwod, and some how the guy props himself up and hes so exited to look out of the window for himself, but when it comes to looking out of the window it face a black wall.

'Ghost' 1990

The film 'Ghost' is the story of a women who dramatically loses her boyfriend when he is murdered. However he appears to hang around on earth and a ghost trying to communicate with his wife and a 'medium' who suprisingly is able to hear him. Once he realises this he uses the 'medium' to try and solve the case of the murder which he soon finds out was a set-up from his so called 'best friend' to try and steal all of his money once dead. However this story also shows the journey of his girlfriend dealing with his death and trying to move on. However by the end of the film he is able to communicate with her. This is similar to the film my partner and I are trying to make as certain scenes and idea's resemble our short film. For example when the man in Ghost is killed he comes face to face with his dead body, trying to scream for help however no body can hear him obviously as he is a ghost which is a scene we hope to re-create. Also the idea of having to say goodbye to your loved one even if they can not hear you if something my partner and I are trying to portray in our short film.

Mise En Scene
The Mise En Scene in this film is quite effective. for example once the man is dead he is still wearing the same clothes he died in throughout the movie. However the clothing and make-up is basic which is something that will probably change for our film. however when the man dies the use of make-up is creative and he is covered in blood.

Drama, Romance, Fantasy, Thriller and Mystery.

This film is shot in a house, a city, an office, a bank and a variety of different location which simply mesmerized us.

Classical music playing through out many sounds of the string family. Emotional and dramatic particulaly at the end.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Other Possiable Story Idea

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This is an Idea from a short film that My group and I are thinking of making.

Girl come home from school
Mum Ecnors her
Girl gose to her room and looks in the mirror
She's see there no reflection in the Mirror
She freaks and Screams for her mum
Mum Dosen't come
Girl runs down stairs
Screams at her mum
Then gilr has flash back
She see she was killed by a gay
Girl gose over the her dead body
She closer's her eyes then open them
She's back in her room
Mum lay's on her daughters bed
Girl says goodbye to her mum
The Vanashesh

Below is the privese sence to sence list as your can see we have change a few thing's in the scene's to make that scen's more appealing to adults rather than teenagers.

Also hear are the pataisionl names for this particular short film:

My Silent Scream
Life in Death 

'The Sixth Sense' 1999

                                                 Directed By: M. Night Shyamalan

About a boy who can see dead people (Ghosts). 
He's scared to tell his mum about what he can see.
A doctor comes along and helps the boy with is fear of seeing the Ghosts.
The boy starts to listen to the doctor.
The boy starts getting the corogh to help the Ghosts.

Cole Sear (the boy played by Haley Joel Osment) looks like and avrage 8-10 year old boy. But he has a big secter that he tells no one not even his mum (played by Toni Collette who's character is Lynn Sear), that he can see dead people. The only person who Cole tells is a Doctor called Dr. Malcome Crowe who is a psychologist (played by Bruce Willis) and he help's Cole come over his fear of seeing and hearing the Ghosts. Towards the end of the film Cole tells his mum about what he can see. And the Doctor finds out he dead. 

Drama, Mystery and Thriller

Mise En Scen/Location:
The scenes are very dark and have an edge to them. The clothers of Sear's is very average and odnery because they don't have that much money to spend on fancy clothes. Cole Sear normaly wear a pair of jeanse with a hand nitted jumper. The Dr.Malcome Crowe wears a smart pair of trouse with a shirt, tie and a jacket. The first location is the house of were the mother and her son live, it's an old house that has been turned in to a block of flats and they live on the ground floor. Inside there small house is very odenary and plain and it's loction outside is very grotty. The lighting is very dim and natural. 

Film Reserch: 'The Others' 2001

Directed by Alejandro Amenaber.

Mother move's into new house with her two children.
Children are elergic to the sun.
Wierd thing's start to happen in the house.
The family starts to get scared.
Mother realiseze that she killed her children and her self due to the deth of her husband.
Husband Come's home.

A mother (played by Nicole Kidman who's character is Grace Stewart) move's into a new house with her two children that aren't allowed to go outside during the day because they are alergic to the sun so all the windows and shutter's must be kept shut and the room must be lit by candles. The mother hires a Nanny, a Butler and a Cook whose behaviour appears strange. They have been hired to help with the children and the house work. A few days after they move in, spooky thing's start to happen around the house. The children start become scared of being left alone in a room. The Mother also starts becoming scared and therefore become protective over her children. At the end of the movie the mother realizes and remembers - when the children appear to survive in the sun - that she had killed herself along with her children. Finally the Father returns home.

Mise en Scene/Location:
The location of The Others is in one place that is a big old house in the middle of no where with a bit of greanary serownding it. In side the house it all wooden floors that creeck (make the house seem more spocky). The children wearing pirde clothing and the mother were's very neat and smart pirde clotheing. The lighiting is very dark in almost all the scene so most of the scene's are candle lit.

Genre: Drama, Thriller and Mystery

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Types of Documentory

Below are five types of Documentory styles of filming. I am reserching diffrent Documentory styles to find a sutiable type for my documentory or use a bit of every fiming style.

Fly on the Wall:
Is when the camera is hiden from the the participants that are complete unware of its assisonts, the documentroy director dose this to make documentory seem more natural. This tequnic is very simler to 'Cine-Verite'. The cameras are usally small digiltal film camreas that are easyer to hide.

Video Diaries: 
A vidio diray is used for personal and individual ways. It mainaly shot in a hand-help form. Lots of BBC documentarys film in this styles such as Planit Earth and Blue Planit.

Dicusope is a television programme tht blurs genre boundaries that are documentaries in the sense that they record the sxperinces of real people living their real lives but are also soaps in that they follow those people in their everyday lives over time and choose to emphasize dramatic incident or feelings. 'Wife Swap' where two women change family for a week or two weeks and have a go at chaging that family's life.

TV: Is a type of television programe tha real people taht don't act with a scripted drama. A good exaple of this would be big brother were a the public are put in to the a house and another good  example will be Shipreaked where the public are put on to a desert island. These type of reality programes attract viwes because they are entertaning.

Drama Documentary's:
A drama documentary is alson know as 'DocuDrama' that normaly contain of tragedy and comedy. The docudrama is normaly secen in the past (Vitctoria times) and as a history type.

Below is a sideshow that found on slide share on Types of Documentory. This is were I found the Documentory Types.