Below is sorted out by age in years,
5 Under- Under 5 years probably wouldn't even know what a Documentary.
5-12- I'm still not shore that this age range would watch my Documentary, I think there more likely to watch 'Planit Earth' and 'Blue Planit' by Sir David Attenborugh.
12-18- Probably 16 to 18 might just watch Documentaies similer to mine, but that age range is very into 'Friends' on E4.
18-25- I think this catogray age group would be more likly to watch my particular Documentary, espachaly if there Medical Studies learning about people who are in comas or been traitized the way I have been.
25-30 and Over- Againg this would be a very good age group for my Documentary and others, espasaly if you have very well traiend phycitrasies and Doctors who have never seen this type of trama before.
I think my Documentary is most likeling going to acracted medical studients, Doctours, Nurses and other medial staff because it's appeals to there sort of thing by my way of acting like a dog was caused by a tragic car crash.
To re-search audicence propably I'm going to make a question air and hand it round, I might to go a hospital and get there oppinion and a few answers from a medical team in that area of trama it's self.
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