Sunday, 28 November 2010

My shooting Schedule

I originally scheduled to shoot over christmas but had to revise my schedule to shoot in november (see left). I hadn't originally planned to shoot in Wales but the opportunity arose to film in the area where i had grown up so i had to take advantage. I did get some very good footage.

Scheduling for a documentary is quite different to scheduling for a film. Although both need to be planned. My documentary was going to involve interviews and some dramatic 'recreations" so I hade to schedule when the interviews would take place as well as cutaways, location shots etc.

On the right is my schedule for December, as you can see it looks a bit more organized then the November one. 

I can't wait until Christmas holidays, to film the rest of my documentary. 

Only thing I haven't planned is when I am going to film the dog scene of my footage. I had scheduled it for  'Sunday 28th November' but unfortunately the young actress who I was going to use was not be available because her mum had to rush of to America.  I will have to reschedule that scene for later.

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