Monday, 8 November 2010

5-8th Novermber: I was in North Wales, which wasn't part of my plan. Wales is were it all first stared with me acting like a dog. So I gest it was lucky that we had to go up that weekend. I filmed my dads grave two days in a row because I didn't like the footage from the first day. I also did a bit of out of focuce of a few rooms of where we used to live. Along with interviewing my Nain (Grandma in Welsh)

Below are the interview questions that I ask to my Nain and it's what I am going to ask my other family members when there time come for me to interview them:
The interview went well, but I know the framing was wrong and my Nain didn't want the camera to close to her so what I should of done was zoom in to her, which probably I was ment to do in the first place. It was my frist interview ever so I was very please with what I came out with. And we may be going back up there befor christmas so I could re-do it. My Nain was slightly tense at the begging of the interview but then relaxed into it. I am going to add some more questions at the begging, so hopefully by the time I come to these main 9 questions they will be more relaxed.

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