Below are five types of Documentory styles of filming. I am reserching diffrent Documentory styles to find a sutiable type for my documentory or use a bit of every fiming style.
Fly on the Wall:
Is when the camera is hiden from the the participants that are complete unware of its assisonts, the documentroy director dose this to make documentory seem more natural. This tequnic is very simler to 'Cine-Verite'. The cameras are usally small digiltal film camreas that are easyer to hide.
Video Diaries:
A vidio diray is used for personal and individual ways. It mainaly shot in a hand-help form. Lots of BBC documentarys film in this styles such as Planit Earth and Blue Planit.
A vidio diray is used for personal and individual ways. It mainaly shot in a hand-help form. Lots of BBC documentarys film in this styles such as Planit Earth and Blue Planit.
Dicusope is a television programme tht blurs genre boundaries that are documentaries in the sense that they record the sxperinces of real people living their real lives but are also soaps in that they follow those people in their everyday lives over time and choose to emphasize dramatic incident or feelings. 'Wife Swap' where two women change family for a week or two weeks and have a go at chaging that family's life.
Dicusope is a television programme tht blurs genre boundaries that are documentaries in the sense that they record the sxperinces of real people living their real lives but are also soaps in that they follow those people in their everyday lives over time and choose to emphasize dramatic incident or feelings. 'Wife Swap' where two women change family for a week or two weeks and have a go at chaging that family's life.
TV: Is a type of television programe tha real people taht don't act with a scripted drama. A good exaple of this would be big brother were a the public are put in to the a house and another good example will be Shipreaked where the public are put on to a desert island. These type of reality programes attract viwes because they are entertaning.
TV: Is a type of television programe tha real people taht don't act with a scripted drama. A good exaple of this would be big brother were a the public are put in to the a house and another good example will be Shipreaked where the public are put on to a desert island. These type of reality programes attract viwes because they are entertaning.
Drama Documentary's:
A drama documentary is alson know as 'DocuDrama' that normaly contain of tragedy and comedy. The docudrama is normaly secen in the past (Vitctoria times) and as a history type.
Below is a sideshow that found on slide share on Types of Documentory. This is were I found the Documentory Types.
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