Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Trying to asked Permisson for Music

Even thought I got permisson for florace's cosin. I know I have to get actural permisson from either Universal Island Records where Florance and the Machine recored 'Dog Days' or from there Manager 'Mairead Nash'. I've e-mailed Island Records lots of time but haven't hear back from them, and I can't seem to find how to contact Mairead Nash, but I am going to keep trying. 

Below are screen shots of the e-mails I sent to Island Records:

First E-mail I sent:
       Second E-mail I sent yesterday:

Finding Dalmatian Fonts

I try to downlode a picture image of a dalmatian furr in to my font on indesign, but I couldn't work out how, so instead I search 'Google' for Dalmatian fonts to downlode. I found a huge amaout. I only downlode three diffrent ones. I've screen shot each of them in Macrosoft Word as they would be as the title on the Magazine Artical:

 This Dalmatian font on the left is my favorite is called as a font 'Dalmatian'. I think this might be the one I uses.

This font to the right is know as 'Dalmatian By Zane' I like this one so mabey I might use it in the poster.

I'm not keen on this font that much, but I have added it in as an oppsion is called '101 Puppies SW'.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Magazine Photos

I really like this photo to the right and I am thinking of using it for my Magazine Article. The is girl playing with her beloved Dalmatians. I will uses this a my main photo (large one). I used photoshop elements eight to turn it into black and white and crop it. I feel it's more eye catching to the public. And it brings out the Dalmatians more. I have shown you the coloured one below, that's uncorped.

Below is another image that I really like and I think I am going to use, but between the columns. I used photoshop elements eight to add contrast, because it was too dule. 

Magazine Drafts

I have used Microsoft word to create my drafts for my Magazine Articles. The first screen shot you see on the left is my first draft. I made it into bullet points, so that I jotted down my ideas. So it's very mixed. I then had help putting it in to a readable order

Below is my second draft. I have split into to parts. The first part is my interview with the interviewer. And the second is the Article it self. I found it much essay to type, if I pretended I had some one interviewing me. I know that there are a few spelling maskats, but I will re-croett them befor e I tune into an article.

Now that I have my article in order I am going to add it in to 'Adobe InDesign' to tune it into an Article with images. Also to cheek to see if I have written effuf.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Editing Dog Footage in Final Cut Pro

This is how I edited the dog scene using final cut pro and the prezi to up load. 

Editing the Car Crash Sound

To find the sound effect for the very begining of my documentary. I seach in Garageband loops and Final Cut Pro sound effects and could find nothing on a car crash sound or even near to it. I then remebered 'Soundtrack Pro' and search 'Car crash' nothing came up so I went through all the oppsions that I was given until I came to 'Imapact and Crashes' where I found 'Automobile crash' which was perfect, so I edited it and saved. I then uploaded it to final cut pro and added it to one of my scenes. 

Below I've have used QuickTime Moive to conver the unedited version of 'Automabile' sound from soundtrack pro, I then used Blogger uploads to up lode it. 

Below are some screen shots I took that aren't in order. 

Editing Interviews

I have upload 18 screen shot of how I have come to editing the interviews. It was hard because I don't really know what to expect when it I have done my interview (which was this weekend 11th-13th of Febuary 2011), but I have an idea on how I am going make a footage out of it all.