Monday, 31 January 2011

My Magazines Artical Designs

Magazine Artical review I have desgin two of my own that I am thinking of chosing one of them form my actual Magazine aretical. I've made a powerpoint using slideshare to upload. I've added small details to what each of the two posters may contain also I have added in two other slids showing the poster in full without the details. Some of the poster dosen't show becuse when I was scaing the scanner didn't collects past of the design. I'm hopeing to use indesign to creat my artical.
Mag designs

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Wednesday, 26 January 2011


Tonight I fainlaly finished rendering the footage I collected for 'Dog Scene' and 'Interviews' on Final Cut Pro. Which is a hugh releaf, because it means I can start editing this weekend. I still have one more interview to do, which is myself that I am going to do on the weekend of the 12th of Feburary. For the 'Interviews' there was a problme so I had to uses 'Quicktime converter' to tranfer them to 'Final Cut Pro'

Across are the stages in which the Dog Scence has been rendered it was the same tecknick for the 'Interviews' I put all of the 'Dog Scenes' and the 'Interviews' together to save time. On the right you can see that stages I screen shot.

Below is a few screen shots uploaded with 'Prezi' this show how before I was able to uplode the dog's scens I had to conver the footage I had filmed using MPEG Stremclip. Here are a few screen shots of the stages I had to go through. Also a screen shot of the order of how I am showing you the stages of edting through Prezi.

Magazine Articals

As well as making a poster and short film we also have to make a Magazine artical. I have been doing my reseacher in the most recent relase (January/Feburary 2011) 'Empire' magazine and 'Sight & Sound' magazine.

 These are this year's from covers for each magazine. Just from the look of the front covers 'Sight & Sound' apeals more to older adults this is why:

  1. The women who's posing has a very serices look on her face, she's wareing very plan colours of clothing, she's too the side of the heading.
  2. The background it very plan, but it dose make the 'Sight & Sound' title stand out with it's yellow background and black and red writting. 
  3. 'Sight and Sound' have made there main articals stand out more by haveing this plan background.
'Empire' on the other hand apeals to younger adults and teenages:
  1. Very colourful front cover
  2. The backgroung is diffrent shapes of green
  3. Johnny Depp is on the front cover as his start role in 'Parates Of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides' as Captine Jack Sparrow in all his make up and coustume. 
  4. He's also Starting strate at you with his eval Captine Jack Sparrow stare
  5. 'Empire' have made him stand out by makeing him go over the title 'Empire' 
  6. They have a varity of colourful main articals and writting, but they all stand out.
Inside 'Sight and Sound' has lost of indepht writting were as 'Empire' has limited writting but clear.

I really like 'Empire' artical styles, becuse I like how you have a big picture and very clear writting. To me it's a denifit if I do a artical were not much writting is needed, yet with a very good review of what the Documetary is about. I also like how 'Empire' is very clear and simple.

'Sight & Sight' has lost of information about the film and directing ect.. It even has a colume for every one who helped make the film. This I think is a very good idea becuse it not only promnts the amout of work that went in to makeing the film, but also the preson them self. 

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Dog Scene Filmed

Today I filmed my dog scene. Phoebe was a superbe Actriss dog. I felt the filming went ok, but the lighting was compliting wrong. But I hope I filmed will good for my Documentary. If I have to re-film then it must be next week, becuase the deadline is on the 18th Feburary so haven't got much time. I have a really good time re-acting my dog life, but I deffantly think I  may have to re-shot some of the scenes. Below are a few photos I took of the day. Some of them I will uses from my Poster and Magazine Artical. I used Photobucket to upload them. The outfit that Phoebe is wearing in some of the photos was the closes outfit I could match to a dalmasion. I brought my big spoty blanket that a godmother of mine gave me for my 6th birthday and I used that for some of the filming scenes too.